Trekking In Nepal

Trekking in Nepal
As one of the top activities in Nepal, there are a handful of specific issues directly in and related to your trek. A key concern is the impact trekkers have on the remote mountain environments during their trek. Trekkers should plan on keeping their waste to an absolute minimum. This includes packaging from food or items you’ve packed, as well as plastic water bottles. All trash has to be burned (not ideal) or carried off of the mountain. Do your part and carry a reusable bottle and a SteriPen or LifeStraw for your trip.

Lighten your load on your trek. Carry the lightest pack possible and leave behind all the nonessentials. Some trekkers will pay their porters to carry a heavier load and this is poor practice. The porters may accept the extra fee, but they are risking their livelihoods by trekking overloaded. General guidelines are 6-7 kilos per person, with a porter carrying max 12.5 kilos. Stick to this limit — you won’t need the extra clothes you’re over-packing anyway. To that end, ensure you are paying fair wages to all porters and guides. One of the most compelling reasons to support tourism in the Himalayas is the positive impact it has bringing money into rural communities. Don’t haggle too much and ensure you are tipping and spreading money around fairly.
